Deep Creek Winter Sports Team
About Us
The Deep Creek Winter Sports Team (DCWST) promotes the physical, social, and emotional development of young people through training for and competing in the sports of alpine ski racing and snowboarding.
Join the Team
We welcome athletes (age 7 to 18) and their parents to become part of the DCWST family. Athlete registration typically runs from early October through December 1, but you can make your connection with us anytime of year!
Sponsors and Donors
The DCWST is a 501-c3 nonprofit organization that relies annually on the support of sponsors and donors. We sincerely thank all of our current and past contributors to the team - we couldn't do it without you!
News and Updates
Team Calendar
The list shown here contains all upcoming events for all alpine and snowboard groups. For group/age specific schedules and event details, team members/families should log into TeamSnap and view the schedules located there.